English, asked by TheLoneWolf9711, 4 months ago

You are a travel writer who enjoys visiting and writing about different locations around the world. Write a 300 words descriptive essay for your travel book on your recent visit to any famous place.


Answered by ana205



The introduction has begun with 'summer vacation' so please ignore that. This descreptive para is based on a visit to Thailand.

You can start the introduction like:

Let me start by introducing myself.

My name is y/n. I'm a social guy from Belgium with a big smile and 3 passions: People, Travel and Social Media. January 2018 I decided to combine my passions and started a unique social travel project around the world... and now here I am visiting Thailand!

(and then you can refer the attachment and it will be better if you put some enhancements)

I hope it helps


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