you are akansha live in Kanishka Cooperative Group Housing Society Indira Nagar Mumbai there are no street lights on main road leading to the shlok on the ro
ad get so dark after sun in evening in winter that possibility of some major accident cannot be received out write a letter to the editor of national daily drawing attention of government
to serious problem of residents of Indira nagar
Kanishka Co-operative House society
Indira Gandhi, Mumbai
30 January, 2021
The Editor
The Hindustan Daily
Subject : No street lights welcome to accident.
Respected Sir,
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw your kind attention regarding no street lights welcome to accidents.
There are no street lights on the main road leading to Kanishka Co-operative Colony. It is winter and the road gets very dark after seven in evening. There always remains a danger of some major accident since it is a very busy road. Often people go out with torches in their hands. Then it looks as if they were living in primitive village rather than in modern cosmopolitan city...
It is requested that proper lighting arrangements should be provided along this road so as to save the residents from major mishap. It is hoped that these lines will help to stir the authorities to some sort of action..
Thanking you,
Yours truly,