You are Amit/Amrita of 88,Dr . Mukherjee Nagar, Delhi -9 you have seen that liquor ban in some states has brought positive impact on society. You want that other states should also impose ban on alcohol. This has prompted you to write a letter to the Editor of the Hindu Chennai T.N in 100-120 works
April 10, 2018
New Delhi.
88 Dr. Mukherjee Nagar,
Delhi - 9 .
The Editor,
The Hindu,
Tamil Nadu .
Respected Sir,
Sub: Regarding Article on Liquor Ban.
Dear Sir,
After the liquor ban has been posed in many states of India, I could see a positive impact on the society. I researched and arrived at a statistics that in addition to accidents even crimes in those states have decreased a lot. I was so happy to witness such a drastic change and is anticipating the goodness our nation would receive if such a law is imposed on whole of India. I request you to publish an article regarding the same in your daily so that more people can be aware of it. Along with this letter I am sending you the raw facts and information I gathered for my research, Looking forward for the dynamic change you can bring in.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
Amit Shah.