You are an Aerospace Engineer working with the UAE Space Agency. The mission is to deploy a remote-controlled space shuttle from the Earth into space and land it on the planet Jupiter. This mission’s initial cost is 6.5 billion dirhams and for every second that the spacecraft is in space, the UAE space agency accrues a fixed interest. This means the longer you are in space the costlier the project becomes. Your goal is to confirm the correspondence between SIRIUS-Y54 spacecraft and UAE Space Mission, and calculate the Future cost of the space expedition.
You are an Aerospace Engineer working with the UAE Space Agency. The mission is to deploy a remote-controlled space shuttle from the Earth into space and land it on the planet Jupiter. This mission's initial cost is 6.5 billion dirhams and for every second that the spacecraft is in space, the UAE space agency accrues a fixed interest This means the longer you are in space the costlier the project becomes. Your goal is to select between the NEXUS and the SIRIUS-Y54 spacecraft and calculate the Future cost of the space expedition Role Aerospace Engineer Audience- Government of UAE Situation- You must use the below-guided questions and the provided information to complete the task Performance - You will go through a series of calculations to achieve your goal DATA TABLE Symbol G M E R Meaning Gravitational Constant Mass of the Earth Mass of Jupiter The force between Earth and Jupiter Distance between Jupiter and the Earth Constant of proportionality The half-life of nuclear fuel nuclides Value 6.67 X 10-11m'kgs 6.67 x 10 kg 1.89 x 1017kg 8.03 x 1015N TBD 7.526 x 10*10m TBD T1 N N N Fy P Mass of fuelleft Initial Mass of fuel Future Balance Cost of the project before launch Annual interest rate time TBD 25,000 kg TBD AED 10,000,000,000 TBD NA г NEXUS-112 Max Speed: 28.000km/hr Max mass of fuel 200.000 kg The half-life of nacides: 25 years SIRIUS-Y56 Max Speed: 172.000 km/hr Max mass of fuel rods: 200,000 kg The half-life of nuclides: 2.5 years 100 NUCLIDES REMAINING (96) NUMBER OF HALF LIVES har 25years) 1) a) The Abu Dhabi Space Agency has supplied you with the information in the Data Table for you to perform your task. Given that: In F = In - 2InR