Sociology, asked by vaishnaviv655, 3 days ago

You are an employee at a fast food restaurant in charge of the grill. It's busy today and a lot of orders are coming in fast. In the process of cooking, you drop a hamburger patty on the floor. Your manager is passing by and says just pick it up and serve it. what would you do


Answered by japleenk007


Well, the best you could do in this situation is correct the manager politely. Tell him/her that you'd make another one within 10 mins but that burger could cost them food poisoning, vomiting, and painful experiences moreover the money they'd have to spend. Try to reason with the manager. If he doesn't you could leave the job which acc. to me is a 70% possibility that the manager will not fire you, cos' there are a lot of customers and he/she needs more than enough helping hands.

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