English, asked by anurag55724, 8 months ago

You are anmol the sports captain of vishwas public school ,shimla .You had a meeting with the principal and sports teacher in which date for the annual sports day was decided . Draft a notice in 50 words informing the students of classes 5 to 12 about the date and inviting the names of interested participants along with the name of events



Answered by Prabhas24423

Question ⤵️

Renu is the Principal of a school. She decides to take meeting of all the staff members in the conference halL In the meeting she instructs admission department that in upcoming session the school will give admission to those students who secured more than 85% marks. She also assigns duties, authority Sc creates accountability of the person to whom work has been handed over. In addition to this, she tells to new teachers what is to be done & what is not be done in specific situations.

(a) Name the types of plans highlighted in the given situation by quoting the lines from the paragraph.

(b) Name the process through which Renu assigns duties, authority & creates accountability of the person to whom work has been handed over. Also explain any two points which highlight the importance of this process.

Answer ⤵️

a- Following are the types of plan highlighted in the given situation-

1- Policy- she instructs the admission department that in the upcoming session the school will give admission to those students who secured more than 85% marks.

- Rules- she tells new teachers what is to be done & what is not be done in specific situations.

b- Delegation

importance of delegation-

Empowerment: To empower is to allow others to become experts at what they do even if they surpass your ability. This encourages the personal development of team members leading to the overall team success.

Leadership: A good leader does not do, he plans and coaches. After coaching, team members will take roles assigned to them and accomplish with or without supervision. When tasks are completed, new tasks can be taken with maximum confidence.

Answered by varsharajeevbhagat19
  1. idjfnkfjfhdjkxncjejdkfkjcncn
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