English, asked by anshuanshu7755, 9 months ago

You are Arpit/Arpita, living in a crowded area in Model Town, Delhi. Unauthorised parking of
vehicles in your locality is causing a lot of inconvenience to the locals. Write a letter to the
Police commissioner of Delhi complaining against this practice in 100-120 words.​


Answered by maryamkincsem

A letter to the Police commissioner of Delhi complaining against Unauthorised parking of vehicles in your locality.

Police Commissioner,

204 Police Station,

Model Town,


23, October 2020.  

Subject: Unauthorised parking is causing trouble for locals.  

Respected sir,

  Sir the purpose of this letter is for the removal of unauthorized parking in our locality, Model Town, Delhi, as it is causing great trouble for the people who live there. We do not get a place to park our vehicles. Apart from that a lot of vehicles just make it difficult for the locals to move our own cars.  

  I request you to look into this matter and ask these unauthorized people to remove their vehicles from our area so that we locals can park our own cars and we can avoid this inconvenience.  

Concerned citizen.  


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