English, asked by shikhasharma888ss, 10 months ago

You are Arun/Aarti, 112 Bank Street, Agra. In 100-120 words, write a letter to

the Editor of a National daily, voicing your concern on the ills like poverty,

illiteracy, lack of proper healthcare etc., that continue to haunt your country.



Answered by Glorious31

Format :

\begin{gathered}\boxed{\boxed{\begin{minipage}{5 cm}\bf{Receiver's Address} \\ \\\bf{Subject:-}\\ \\ \bf{Salutation,}\\ \bf{.....Body.....}\\ \bf{..........}\\ \\ \bf{Complementary close}\\ \bf{Signature of sender}\\ \bf{Sender's Address}\\ \bf{Date:-}\end{minipage}}}\end{gathered}

Letter :

112 Bank Street ,



11th September , 2020


To ,

The Editor ,

Times of India


Subject : The need to understand the evils of our society .


Respected Sir/Madam ,


I'm writing this letter to bring under your notice ; the great country of India is in a severe haunt of many threats .

Most importantly ; illiteracy , poverty , lack of proper health care and safety of women .

Living in such a society can be pressurising for many . Some may have a guilt of not being literate , some may feel shameful or insulted due to their poverty . Some may feel to die soon due to lack of proper and affordable healthcare , women unable to go out alone !

We may think that we are nothing to make a change alone . So why not join some NGOs ? The government will do its own work while we can get our own contribution towards our country . So , I request to post it in your newspaper so that volunteers can join and make a change !


Thanking You

Yours Sincerely,

Arun / Arti

Answered by Anonymous

\large\bf\underline\green{Answer :-}

112 Bank Street



11 September, 2020  



The Editor

The Times of India

New Delhi


Subject : Concern on poverty, illiteracy


Respected Sir / madam,

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I wish to draw your attention towards the major problem like illiteracy , unemployment, lack of healthcare facilities. These all are  the major reasons for poverty in india .



Illiteracy is the mother of all issues as it gives birth to many other issues like poverty, unemployment, child  labour, female foeticide, population burst and many more. Literacy is a key for social a well as economic progress for a country . For  a country like india , where increasing population is a concern , let's make this population as an asset instead of liability. For example :- japan a country without natural resource , less population (as compared to india) but still it's a high-tech country  because government has worked on human capital .


I hope that you will publish this letter in your newspaper so that the concerned authorities give it a thought again and take the decision accordingly.  


Thanking you

Yours sincerely

Aarti / Arun


  • Always follow the letter format.

  • Leave a line between paragraphs.

  • The introduction of the body part must clearly state the reason for writing the letter.

  • Use simple and direct language.  

  • Proper punctuation and correct spellings should be used.

  • Be concise.

  • Use the right tone.


  1. Sender’s address
  2. Date
  3. Name / Designation of Addressee
  4. Address of the Addressee
  5. Salutation
  6. Subject
  7. Body – Introduction, Content, Conclusion
  8. Complimentary Close
  9. Signature / Name of the Sender
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