You are crime journalist Nitish/Naina working with an esteemed news channel.You heard about an incident where a man named W.H Davies had fallen from the moving train and lost his foot.You visit him at the station to enquire about this incident.Frame dialouges between you and W.H Davies detailing every important thing tat took place.
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to sensitize people about the attacks on older folks. Old people are generally physically weak. The result is that they can’t overpower the rogues in the war of muscles, who generally come to loot them.
Any resistance from the old people can prove detrimental to their lives. In the locality of Safdarganj Area many incidents of theft, snatching and brutal attacks on the old people have already happened.
It is duty of the government to protect the lives of their senior citizens. Thus, all measures for their safety should be adopted to save old people. Though repeated requests in this regard have been made to the concerned authorities but no headway has still been done. Perhaps the lines in your esteemed paper may shake the authorities from their deep slumber.