You are Deepak of Anand Vihar, Delhi. Recently you bought a watch from FastTrack. But it's not working properly and showing the wrong time. You have written several letters through the dealer. But there has been no response. Write a complaint letter to the company asking them for a replacement.
Answered by
H no. 6
Anand Vihar, Delhi
April 7, 2020
Subject:Replacement of watch
Respected sir/ma'am,
I have brought a watch of your company on March 22, 2020. It is not working properly. It is showing wrong time. I have written many letters to the dealer but it has not been responding since March 25, 2020.
Please replace my watch with new one. I will very thankful to you for this help.
Your's faithfully
It is very easy to write a letter by your own words if you are able to understand the question
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