you are gunjan residing in Delhi, you are subscriber of a weekly magazine named at look lately you have not been receiving copies of the magazine on a regular basis. write a letter to the circulation manager, out look magazine regarding the non receipt of copies (100-120words)
The Manager,
OutLook Magazine,
New Delhi 123456,
Gunjan Chakravarthy,
7867 Rosewood Ave,
New Delhi 112233,
Date: 9th August 2019
Sub: Complaint against non-receipt of the Magazine copies.
Dear Sir,
I am a reader of OutLook Magazine on a regular basis. I am writing to inform you that I haven't been receiving the magazine copies regularly.
I have been observing from the past few months and I have received the magazine only thrice in 8 months. The magazines are being misplaced or missed out according to my knowledge. OutLook has been my close companion from the time it was established.
I request you to look into the matter and take the necessary actions to make the delivery of the magazines regular.
Thanking you Sir.
Yours Sincerely,
Gunja Chakravarthy.
15 – A
Green Park
Civil Lines
March 24, 2019
The Circulation Manager
Phase 9
Subject: Non receipt of issues of the magazine
I wish to bring it to your kind notice that I have not been receiving the copies of the magazine since May, 2019. I have bought yearly subscription, and my subscription number is 30954321. I request you to look into the matter and expedite the delivery of the magazine. I also hope this kind of inconvenience and negligence won’t be repeated. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Warmest regards,