You are Himanshi Jaggi living at 52, Oakwood Apartment, Outram Lines Delhi-54. The residents of your area are facing lots of inconvenience due to poor maintenance of the Public Park of your locality. Write a letter to the editor of a local daily drawing the attention of the concerned higher authorities towards the problem and requesting them to solve it.
1652, Outram Lines
Delhi - 54
4 May, 2018
The Editor
Delhi Times
Through the columns of your local daily I wish to invite your attention towards the inconvenience due to poor maintenance of the public park in our locality. It seems that local civic authority doesn't exist for this park. The surroundings of the park have fallen into utter neglect so much so that there is a reign of garbage mounds, cowdung and overflowing dustbins. It seems that it has been ages since somebody turned to this colony for keeping it clean. The garbage mounds have started rotting giving out a poisonous smell.
The residents have become tired as their complaints have gone over headed.
In these circumstances, I would urge the civic authorities to take immediate steps to ensure the cleanliness of this public park. If it is not not done at once, the health of the children who use to play in this park will be in danger.
Yours faithfully
Himanshi Jaggi