You are Ishita/Ishaan of class VIII. Write a speech in about 80 – 100 words to be delivered in the school morning assembly on the topic ‘Wisdom and money should be used wisely’
It’s best to be:
rich in health- all the money in the world will not be able to buy you the time/cure necessary for certain diseases you might be inflicted with in the future (or physical trauma/chronic pain)
rich in love and memories- love will protect you from all the pain in the world and gives you the drive and purpose necessary to fight for a life worth living.
rich in intelligence- having the ability to eliminate distractions and to focus at the task in hand, to fulfill the goals necessary to get you to where you need to in life (to come up with a masterplan of your life)
rich in bravery- without bravery, one will not have the strength to fight trough fear, and failure and you will need a lot of bravery to get to the pinnacle of your dreams.
rich in resilience- without resilience, you cannot have intelligence or bravery, so they work hand in hand, and during difficult times in life, resilience will push you through~
Physical beauty is always an attraction but the positive validation received from others will inflate the ego, in short, being beautiful helps to an extent you realize the power and uselessness of it all (people will want to use you for their own motives)
Without intelligence, you will often be influenced by the ego and validation from others, with intelligence you will understand the power of the mind and to be grateful for what you already have and to not seek desire in the wrong places, instead you invest to learn a skill/job to work and seek validation from helping others/society.
Disclaimer: I do not deny that being beautiful has the ability to capture the attention of many, however to attain the attention, respect and maintain a relationship with people you will need intellect, respect and kindness~
If you’ve come this far, thank you for reading and I hope my post was a good experience for you! Feel free to share this post if you feel it can help others, kindness begets kindness!
Remember, the power lies within you!
Have a beautiful day today, make it exceptional!