You are Mohan/Mohini, Head Boy/Girl of ABC School, Mirzapur. The club has decided to launch a cleanliness mission in a slum colony near your school during the Dussehra holidays. Write a notice informing class VIII and IX students of your school to volunteer their names for the programme. Give all the necessary details.
30h September 2020.
Cleanliness Mission, VIII and IX students : Kind Attention!!!
We are glad to inform that we are organising Cleanliness Mission in slum areas for our school students.
We have observed our students growing very insensitive regarding cleanliness. Through this program we want to make our students aware about the cleanliness specially in slum areas. We will make our students hold few cleaning stuffs which would include cleaning of garden and floor. Students will participate completely on their volunteery basis, any kind of enforcement is NOT being implied. Kindly, encourage your kids to participate and contribute towards the program. this is the very basic trait an individual should have, and I believe it's contributing a little to their entire intellectual set up. Interested students can give their names to me directly.
Happy Learning!!
For further doubts and clarification, you may directly contact me.
Head Girl
Format :
Mentioning to whom you are writing
Your name
30th September 2020
This is to inform all the students of class 8 and 9 that the Sunshine club, situated near our school, is going to organise a cleanliness programme in the nearby slum area near our school during the Dussehra holidays. The interested students who want to participate in this programme should submit there names in the nearby club or to the librarian ma'am of our school (she's a member of the club). Here's the other informations about the programme.
Date of programme : From 20th Oct to 25th Oct
Last date for Submission of names : 15th October.
Lunch and Drinking water : Will be provided to students by club
Feel free to contact the house captains of your class to know more about it.
Head Girl