English, asked by vanshimishra22, 1 year ago

You are motivated by clean India campaign of the Prime Minister write an article


Answered by tanisha12364
What is this Swachh Bharat Abhiyan and what is it supposed to achieve? Serious question. Does anyone in the government know what its purpose is?

If it is an extension of a decades-old scheme of building toilets, I understand it. Sanitation is linked to malnutrition and it’s important that toilets be built for those who cannot afford them.

However, that’s not how the mission or campaign (which is what abhiyan means) is being communicated by its author, the Prime Minister. He has been photographed sweeping streets of rubbish. His many tweets have focused on littering and congratulating people who have sent him word that they have done as he has. His official website (pmindia.gov.in) informs us that what the campaign is about is cleanliness:

“A clean India would be the best tribute India could pay to Mahatma Gandhi on his 150 birth anniversary in 2019… While leading the mass movement for cleanliness, the Prime Minister exhorted people to fulfil Mahatma Gandhi’s dream of a clean and hygienic India. Shri Narendra Modi himself initiated the cleanliness drive at Mandir Marg Police Station. Picking up the broom to clean the dirt, making Swachh Bharat Abhiyan a mass movement across the nation, the Prime Minister said people should neither litter, nor let others litter. He gave the mantra of ‘Na gandagi karenge, Na karne denge’.”

It is a few more paragraphs down the text that we arrive at these two lines, which seem to suggest that the sanitation drive is incidental to Swachh Bharat Abhiyan: “Understanding the significance of sanitation, Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has simultaneously addressed the health problems that Indians families have to deal with due to lack of proper toilets in their homes.”

This is where I am lost. Five lakh children die each year in India of malnutrition and 38% of our children are stunted because of it. This gives them no chance of living a fulfilling life, and lack of sanitation is an important cause.

Why is Swachh Bharat Abhiyan then so seemingly focused on the minor aspect of littering? This is an aspect that addresses behavioural change.

A few years ago, a Commonwealth Games official said this after foreigners complained that everything was filthy: “Everyone has different standards of cleanliness. The Westerners have different standards, we have different standards.” This caused offence, though of course it is true as those of us who live in India and have travelled abroad know.

All that is fine, and the Prime Minister is actually endorsing that statement in getting us to clean up. But is behavioural change in this area a priority?

Getting Indians to pay their income tax voluntarily might be more useful. Only 3% of this nation of thieves pays up (that being the real black money problem, not some mythical billions stashed abroad). Study after study has shown that government teachers, doctors and nurses do not show up for work and those who do rarely teach or treat or serve. The damage here is to hundreds of millions of people and some of this damage will remain with us a long time. Getting them to do the job they are paid to do seems to me to be a more worthwhile mission to pursue.

Clean streets represent an aesthetic ambition, not really a strategically important one. To me Swachh Bharat Abhiyan doesn’t seem thought through. People have been warmed by the idea of it, and I have only ever read appreciative things about it, including from retired bureaucrats. But being well meaning isn’t enough.

Littering comes so low down on our list of national priorities that it is remarkable to me that more people have not asked why we are doing this.Also, voluntary action works when there is a specific ask. I think the Aam Aadmi Party’s odd-even experiment was a success because it asked Delhiwallahs to sacrifice for their own good in a way that would immediately have at least one benefit: better traffic.

And Kejriwal anticipated, quite rightly because he is a clever man, that his middle-class citizens would feel virtuous in doing this. The very good move by Modi to get us to give up the LPG subsidy worked for the same reason. I acted instantly and though it was complicated at that stage to opt out — why not just have a missed call? — I set aside the time to trudge over to the gas office and do it.

If Swachh Bharat Abhiyan would have focused on more specific individual action (‘Build a toilet for your servant and send us the picture!’) it might have been more successful. In saying this I am assuming it is a failure, and that is what I think. Are you littering any less or more than you were in 2014?
My guess is, that just like me, on this count your behaviour is no different.


tanisha12364: mark it as the brainliest answer
akashchaudharyy: hi Tanisha
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