You are motivated by the clean India campaign of prime minister and participated in it in your own way in your locality. Write a diary entry about your experience. PLZ ANSWER.

5th June 2018
10.30 P.M
Dear diary,
The most significant campaign of the Indian government is the "Swach Bharat Abhiyan."The campaign focuses on fulfilling the dream of Mahatma Gandhi upon clean and green India. It was first initiated by Narendra Modiji as he took the broom to clean the dirt at Mandir Marg Police Station. With he view of clean India campaign, our society organized an event 'save the planet mission.' on 4th June 2018 this event aimed at spreading awareness among people about environmental issues like global warming, pollution, poor waste management and so forth. The event consisted of many activities like 'Cleanliness drive' wherein, in groups, we picked rags on the road and disposed of it wisely. Further, we had another event of 'Plantation' in which we planted plants wherever we found space. Also, there were many more interesting events. Every event had its own message and that I voluteered actively in every activity.