you are ms.alka rao, librarian s.j.public school,guntur. place an order in 100-120 words with janatha book store, station road, chennai for 5 copies each of 4 books (name any four) which students of class X need for reference. ask for a discount and an early delivery
S.J.Public School
February 12, 2019
The Manager
Janatha Book Store
Station Road
Subject: Purchase order for books
I wish to place a bulk order for the supply of books for the school library for the academic session 2019-2020. The particulars of the books to be purchased and their quantity to be supplied are given below: Particulars Quantity
1. Reference Books
(All subjects for classes 9 to +2) 25 pieces
2. All Novels of R.K Narayan 2 pieces each
3. All Novels by J.K Rowling 2 pieces each
4. Tales of Panchtatra 5 pieces each
5. Shakespeare’s Plays 3 pieces each
6. Power of Positive Thinking 5 pieces
7. Autobiography of a Yogi 5 pieces
Kindly give us 25 % discount; and send the books from the fresh lot. Any defective book shall be returned. I am enclosing a cheque worth rupees 5000/- as down payment. The rest of the amount will be paid after the delivery. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Yours truly,
Ms.Alka Rao
I, Ms Alka Rao of S.J. Public school would like to place a bulk order for books for the upcoming academic session.
We need these books in our library. As we are a regular customer of your book store, we would like you to give us a discount of twenty five percent at an early delivery. Below is a list of all the books that we need for the students of class 10.