You are param student of class 7 A of D-A-V public school, Delhi You have found brand new cricket, bat inthe school premises. Draft a notice.
Dear students, here is an outline of the activity that is to be followed to complete It for Science I and science II These are the various stages of writing the activities that should get followed properly. 1) Title of the activity 2) Need and importance of activity. 3) Time period, apparatus and equipment. required for the activity. (4) Methodology, of the activity. 5) Analysis and conclusion of the informat -ion obtained through actixity. Student's apinion about the activity... 7) Note on reference material. ·ausite the reference material used to complete the activity. 8) Teacher's comments regarding the evaluation.
Dec 27, 2021
D-A-V public school, Delhi
Lost and Found Department
Lost item: Cricket bat
Dear students,
This is to inform everyone that a cricket bat was found lying on the playground yesterday evening. The bat does not belong to the school sports department.
The bat has been handed over to the Lost and Found Department on the first floor.
Lost Property Department,
D-A-V public school, Delhi