You are Rajeev/Rishika Katyal, living at 2, Clement
Town, Bengaluru. You feel strongly about the
flaws in the existing system of education. You feel
that the system neglects the talents and skills of
students and is restricted to classroom teaching.
Write a letter to the editor of a national daily
making a case for education beyond classroom
Please send me full letter
2, Clement Town
March 8, 2021
The Editor
The Times of India
MG Road
Subject: Education beyond classroom teaching
Dear Sir:
I am writing this letter to express my deep concern over the problem of obsolete and traditional education system in our country. The system has failed to produce dynamic and creative students. The traditional approach to education has made it unappealing and uninteresting. There are many factors that have led to this problem of students’ disinterest in education. The orthodox education system is to be blamed. The image of studies and education has been made so repulsive by the system, that children are always finding excuses to avoid it. Education is more an exploration than slogging for passing examinations, tests, and handing in assignments. However, the current system is such as education appears to be a burden. Hence, the students feel repulsive towards it.
The most burdensome aspect of the education system is the burden of so many books and paperwork on students. Active learning strategies and latest innovative methods should be used to make teaching more practical and related to life. All-round learning activities, which take place outside the ambit of classroom should also be taken into consideration. Education through curricular, sports, excursions, projects, etc. should have more weightage than the pen paper tests or exams.
Through the medium of your esteemed newspaper I appeal to the concerned authorities and the education policy makers to look into the problem and take prompt actions to modernize education.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Rishika Katyal