you are Rajesh / Rajini Roy of 105 C, Chatterjee Lane, Kolkata Police topview have received a letter from your brother who is staying in hostel of shaktimandirpublic School, Darjeeling stating that is been bullied by National suit retain their consequences full stop write a letter to the hostel Warden requesting him to take urgent reaction
Answer :-
105 - C
Chatterjee lane
Date :- 5 May, 2019
Hostel Warden
Shaktimandir Public School
Subject :- Complaint about bullies against my brother.
Dear sir,
Through this letter, I want to pay your attention towards the increasing bullies against children. My brother send me a letter. He said that he had been bullied by National Suit. He had Please take a strict action against it otherwise it will happen with all the children.
I hope that you will take a strict action against it.
Thanking You!
Yours Faithfully
Rajini Roy
105 - C
Chatterjee lane
Date :- 5 May, 2019
Hostel Warden
Shaktimandir Public School
Subject :- Complaint about bullies against my brother.
Dear sir,
Through this letter, I want to pay your attention towards the increasing bullies against children. My brother send me a letter. He said that he had been bullied by National Suit. He had Please take a strict action against it otherwise it will happen with all the children.
I hope that you will take a strict action against it.
Thanking You!
Yours Faithfully
Rajini Roy