English, asked by khumkumardivyas, 1 year ago

You are Rohit/ Simi. Write an original story which begins : " The boy was brought to my clinic in
an unconscious state………" in about 150- 200 words. You may take clues given below :
The boy, the lone survivor -regained consciousness- burst into tears - lost his parents in the train accident- recalled the incident - burst into tears - did not know what to do - advice - ' God is with you. He will help you to stand on your feet'.


Answered by jaspreetsinghhhh

The boy was brought to my clinic in an unconscious state. I gave him the routine medicines to bring him back to the normal state. I was told that he was the lone survivor - his parents had perished. After two days, the boy seemed to be better. He was in his senses but I was puzzled to see his condition. I tried to speak to him. I asked him his name and his whereabouts. He tried to respond but could not utter a word.

A month passed. One day, a miracle happened. The boy recalled his name. He was Sachin. By and by he recalled every detail about his family and his living place. The family lived in Amritsar and had good business. He was the only child in the family.


Sachin recalled how he along with his parents boarded the Amritsar Mail to reach Delhi, quite happy and excited. It was about 10 p.m. All of a sudden, they heard a bang. Their compartment rose higher and higher, passengers began to shriek as one part of it got smashed. Sachin’s father was profusely bleeding. When he went to rescue Sachin’s mother lying unconscious or dead, an iron rod pierced his chest, coming from the other side. He moved no more. Sachin ran to help his father but got trampled under running feet, thus losing his consciousness. He knew nothing what happened thereafter. Dr., what should I do 7” Sachin asked me in a pathetic tone. I could only muster courage to say, ”Take heart. God is with all of us. He will help you stand on your feet. There are many like you. I’ll help you as much as I can.”

Answered by anjupotlia6



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