English, asked by OmBiswal, 1 year ago

you are rohit you were going to your school , on the way you saw a small girl working. make a diary entry regarding your thoughts on child labour. (50 - 60 words)


Answered by Venicca2005
While I was going to my school I saw a small girl working in a hotel for cleaning vessels.I felt so sad but I can't do anything that time because I wanted to go to school. Every parent or ward should give opportunities of education to their child . Children should not work but they should study which we will gain more money in future. The parent or the guardian must give them a chance to become something in their life.But no.If we see any child labour we should stop it.
Answered by vikashpatnaik2009


Taking birth as a woman in the Indian society can be said as curse for the women. Women in India face lots of social issues and problems all through the life which are big struggle for them right from their beginning of life. Female infanticide is the most common practice of killing girl child in mother’s womb in the Indian society. Women in India are considered as burden for their parents and husbands as they think that women are here only to consume money whole life without earning a little bit.


A woman is seen in the society with more intense ridicule sight and become at higher risk of honor killing if she is involved in the love marriage or inter caste love marriage. Women face a lot of challenges because of the existence of patriarchal society, child bearing and family care roles, deep rooted cultural norms, etc in the Indian society. Women in India do not have equal access to autonomy, mobility to outside the home, social freedom, etc than men. Some of the problems faced by the women are because of their domestic responsibilities, cultural and social specified roles, etc.

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