Business Studies, asked by wa266867, 2 months ago

You are running an organization. If you neglects ER, How it will affect your organization. ​


Answered by Anonymous



Productivity improves by 20-25% in organizations with connected employees. (Source: The McKinsey Global Institute)

Employees who exercise their strengths on a daily basis are 8% more productive and 6x more likely to be engaged. (Source: Gallup)

Teams with high employee engagement rates are 21% more productive and have 28% less internal theft than those with low engagement. (Source: Gallup)

High performing employees have three things in common: talent, high engagement, and 10+ years of service within the company. (Source: Gallup)

Employees who are engaged are 27% more likely to report “excellent” performance. (Source: Gallup)

57% of employees who said they were very stressed at work felt less productive and disengaged, while only 10% of low-stress employees reported feeling this way. (Source: Tower Watson)

Work overload decreases productivity by 68% in employees who feel they don’t have enough hours in the day to complete their tasks. (Source: Cornerstone)

Businesses with a strong learning culture enjoy employee engagement and retention rates around 30-50% higher than those that don’t. (Source: Robert Half)

This data clearly establishes the business case for employee engagement, yet some employers have absolutely no idea how to ensure that their workforce is fulfilled and happy. Employees that are engaged, invested in, and enjoy their careers are more likely to stay in their positions longer. Each of my clients to date have left their jobs due to the culture, poor leadership, or lack of engagement in their organization. None of them have stated that they disliked their job functions. This illustrates that employee engagement plays a major role in decreasing turnover rates. So, how should employee engagement be measured within organizations in order to be meaningful and successful?

Stagnation does not just kill careers- it kills businesses as well.




Organizations cannot accurately predict any type of performance outcomes unless they know what they will be measuring consistently. According to Gallup, there has been a well-established connection between employee engagement and nine performance outcomes, which are:

customer ratings



turnover (for high-turnover and low-turnover organizations)

safety incidents



safety incidents

quality (defects)

Employee engagement is important even in an active or a tough economy. Engaged workers produce into what the organization is about and drive towards making a difference. This is why they are typically the most productive workers. Researchers have studied the differences between engaged and actively disengaged employees and teams. Those that scored in the top half on employee engagement nearly doubled their odds of success in comparison with those in the bottom half.

Companies with engaged workforces report higher earnings as well. This should not come as much of a surprise as highly engaged employees and workforces are more productive with decreased levels of turnover.


When you speak to a job seeker who is frustrated with the fact that they would, in all likelihood, enjoy their position more if their employer spent time and resources actively engaging them, and investing in their growth and advancement. There is only so much that can be learned within a role before an employee will begin to feel bored, overworked, stagnant, and disengaged. And from my experience, this is the tipping point in which they will no longer remain loyal and will begin to start to actively search for a new position in an organization that values them and their trajectory. Companies who lack this type of willingness to engage their employees essentially lack the willingness to evolve and innovate as well. Engaged employees are much closer to the solutions that the best ideas that companies need in order to compete in a lively economy and marketplaces. Stagnation does not just kill careers- it kills businesses as well.

When employers and businesses are ready to see the light, they will learn that actively engaged employees are more productive and more likely to become an advocate for your brand. By improving engagement, productivity, and communications your brand will be strengthened, and your workforce will be better aligned to the organizational mission, values, and have an increased ability to drive consumer loyalty and impact revenue

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