you are seema ,the CEO of a company. Write a speech to encourage the employees about their attitude to work and life in general.
My company's most important asset. that's you all. It is great honor for me to be in touch through the Brainly app on social media
let's recall the scene where a large heard of more than 100 dears are grazing in the lush Jungle of Ranthambore. at one odd corner of same place some members of a tiger' family are sunbaskinh lazily. It is time for their lunch. after some time you find that the tigers have preyed on one of the deer and now they are enjoying their carnivorous meal
well to day we are to analyse how come , happy go lucky the tiger family has got their lunch so fast. even from hundreds of dears.
we are to learn most important trait of these tigers. In local language of Rajasthan the mostly speak two words of Rajasthan
Hentha rrrrrrrooooo
Haethei rrrrrrrooooo
well in next session we our self will play a group game to smart our skills matching to
best of luck take care