English, asked by akulshrestha15, 11 months ago

you are shammi / sapna resident of 12 mall Road Agra you have noticed that majority of the water taps in your colony keep on leaking . Also water drips from various joints in supply pipes . All these lead to a big wastage of potable water . write a letter of complaint to the muncipal commissionar , Agra muncipal corporation requesting him to get the necessary rapairs done (100-150) words ( this question is from bord question paper)​


Answered by laherimohalla123


12 mall Road


17th August 2021

Huncipal commissinor.


Agua Muncipal corporation.

Subject - complain about water leaker

Dear sir/mam, This is to that we bring into your notice have been experiencing leaks in the water taps of owe society since a long time. Also it & not only taps, the it is joints in the supply pipes where there are drips .This is just small grequest to just a small get the necessary repater done. We are experiencing a lot loss of a Portable water and that will cause. shortage and already these are many Shortage. Plus the supply pipes leaks are causing slippeely floors and injuever .

Please look into this and that shall aroid water. Loss as well as water. Shostage. Thank you for taking your goo time out and leading this letter. Hope to see the work done in the earliest.

Yours Truly


please mark as brainlist

Answered by ChitranjanMahajan

Correct Question

You are Shammi / Sapna, a resident of 12 mall Road Agra you have noticed that the majority of the water taps in your colony keep on leaking. Also, water drips from various joints in supply pipes. All these lead to a big wastage of potable water. write a letter of complaint to the municipal commissioner, Agra municipal corporation requesting him to get the necessary repairs done (100-150) words\


The letter will be as follows

12 Mall Road,

Agra- 34

The Municipal Commissioner

Agra Municipal Corporation

Subject- Complaint on leakage of taps and pipe joint in the colony

Respected sir/ma'am

I am Sapna Mahadevan, a resident of your area.  For the last 2 weeks I have noticed that most of the taps in my colony, Giridhar Colony have a leakage.  

The supply pipes running all along the buildings have water dripping down. This has even formed marks on the walls of the buildings. This has caused a huge waste of water in the colony. We need to remember that most of this water comes from underground and is a very precious resource. We have tried to save this water by periodically changing buckets from under the taps. This is just a temporary solution, though.  

Therefore on behalf of all the colony residents, I write to you to fix this issue as soon as possible. I sincerely hope that you would address this in a timely manner

Yours Sincerely.

Sapna Mahadevan.

The letter has to be written like this


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