You are Shiva Kumar residing at c-25model town Delhi write letter to the editor times of India expressing your concern over the govt decision to cut down trees in the Delhi university area to provide a space for rugby field for the national game
Mr. Shiva Kumar
C-25, Model Town
Date: 22/01/2019
The Editor
Times of India
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
This is to bring to your notice the government's decision to cut down trees in Delhi University area to provide space for Rugby field for the National Games which are going to take place in the month of December, 2019.
Delhi, over the years, has seen lot of cutting of trees due to developmental activities. It is a known fact that Delhi is one the highly polluted cities of the world today and there is a drastic increase in upper respiratory problems in children in the last few years. In view of all these concerns, it is very insensitive of the government to plan the Rugby field compromising on people's health.
As India's leading newspaper, I urge you to write about it in your newspaper and propagate it so the governement would change its decision. As a concerned citizen, I assure you of my complete assistance in this time of need.
Thank you in anticipation,
Mr. Shiva Kuma
The Editor
National Daily
ITO, New Delhi
Date- 3rd January 2019
Subject- Letter concerning the govt's decision to cut down trees in the Delhi University area.
Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authority towards the govt's decision to cut down trees in the Delhi University area. The decision has been made in order to provide a space for rugby field for the national games. I would like to suggest that instead of cutting the trees and making space, an empty space can be used for the purpose. I hope that through your newspaper my suggestion would be considered and looked upon.
Thanking you in anticipation.
Yours truly
Shiva Kumar
C-25 Model Town