You are Shubham yesterday you saw a traffic jam which bothered you quite a bit write a report for newspaper in 80 words
The Traffic infused City, Bhubaneswar
(By Shubham Kaul)
Tuesday was suffocating. As in literally suffocating. Bhubaneswar as I see is ever growing. And is ever growing the traffic, along with the infrastructure. The fly overs, meant to accommodate the ever growing traffic, doesn't seem to find a solution for anything. Long hours of queue, in the sun, made me realize yesterday, that people should go back to the cycling days. The pollution actually made my head reel for a minute or two, and I was deafened by the blaring horns that kept on continuously blowing in my years. Bhubaneswar as you say, is a hub of opportunities these days. Yet, it is a hub of growing pollution and hours of wait amidst, and on the roll of competing with the metros in terms of traffic.