you are Sumit Arora living at 315 F Block Happy Garden New Colony Delhi this is a residential Colony but has become Virtually a true fare for fast running vehicles write a letter to chief engineer MCD Delhi to contract speed breakers in colony
315, F-Block, Happy Gardens,
New Colony, Delhi
The Chief Engineer
Subject: Request to construct speed breakers in the colony
I would like to draw your kind attention to the nuisance of heavy traffic, we, the residents of the New Colony. are facing these days. Our colony is situated parallel to the main road. In order to bypass the heavy rush of traffic during the peak hours, a number of vehicles divert their way from the main road to our locality. Thus our residential colony has now become virtually a thoroughfare.
These fast running vehicles have quite affected our movement. The residents have to spend over twenty minutes to cross the road. You can well imagine the trouble and risk old people and children have to put themselves to.
Hence, on behalf of the residents of the locality, I request you, to please construct speed breakers throughout the main road so that fast running vehicles have to slow down and stop for a while to help the pedestrians cross the road with ease.
Hoping an early action in this regard.
your faithfully
Sumit Arora
Letter to chief engineer to construct speed breakers in colony is given below:
315 F Block
Happy Garden
New Colony
The Chief Engineer
Dated: 07-08-2022
Subject: Request to construct speed breakers in New Colony.
Respected Sir,
I am Sumit Arora a resident of New Colony, Delhi. I am writing this letter to you on behalf of all the residents of Happy Garden, New Colony to draw your attention towards the problem that we are facing due to fast running vehicles in our colony.
New Colony is actually a residential area but many drivers drive their vehicles in high speed and carelessly. Due to this, the children of the area and aged people find very difficult to walk on the road and also to cross the road. These fast running vehicles has affected the movement of the residents.
Therefore, I kindly request you to construct speed breakers throughout the road so that fast running vehicles can slow down and people can cross the road safely. Hoping an early action regarding this issue.
Yours sincerely,
Sumit Arora
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