you are the district Commissioner of your village list out development schemes for your village in the following areas • food security and water • employment • education and health •women empowerment •sustainable development
Ministry of Rural Development has two departments namely
Department of Rural Development and Department of Land Resource.
Being the nodal Ministry for most of the development and welfare activities in the rural areas, the Ministry of Rural Development plays a pivotal role in the overall development strategy of the country. The vision and mission of the Ministry is sustainable and inclusive growth of rural India through a multipronged strategy for eradication of poverty by increasing livelihoods opportunities, providing social safety net and developing infrastructure for growth. This is expected to improve quality of life in rural India and to correct the developmental imbalances, aiming in the process, to reach out to most disadvantaged sections of the society.
The Ministry of Rural Development consists of two Departments, viz.,
Department of Rural Development,
Department of Land Resources.