you are the prime minister of a week. write a paragraph for words for children
Short Speech On ‘If I Were The President Of India’ Of 150 Words In English
Greetings, everyone.
If I were the respected Prime Minister of India, I would form India into a healthy and self-reliant nation. I would try to frame Indian forces the mightiest in the world. I want to do away with poverty and unemployment from India. I would also aim towards achieving 100% literacy rate.
I would take steps for the enhancement of agricultural fields if I were the Prime Minister. I would give old pensions and unemployment allowance to the needy personages. I would produce small-scale industries in several parts of the nation. I would regulate the black-marketing and hoarding of necessary commodities.
I would demonstrate peace with the neighboring countries. I would create a surrounding of friendship and unity over the country.
We all should go through that it is our own country, and whatever it takes to build it actively, we would put in all efforts and energy to any extent possible.
Thank you.
Long Speech On ‘If I Were The President Of India’ 500 Words In English
Greetings and salutations to everyone present here.
India is the largest democratic nation. The Prime Minister depicts the country and is considered as the first among equals. It is a fact of pride to be the Prime Minister of such a vast nation. I would put into practice all the following strategies if I were the Prime Minister of India.n the first place, my country is impoverished. Millions of people dwell in extreme poverty. I would take steps to abolish poverty. The poor must not be in shortage of any of the essentials. I would also have plots for the refinement of national health.
Another significant drawback in our country is ignorance and illiteracy, which should be eradicated. I would prioritize the achievement of 100% literacy. Also, higher education would be based on merit. Gifted people would be provided with proper placements. Required steps would be taken to pluck unemployment.
Next, I would charge heavy taxes on the wealthy and use the money to help the country. It is not fair that a few wealthy people live in luxury, and the rest should be inferior. I aim to abolish the significant disparity in income that exists at present between the rich and the poor.
Then I would control the price rise. The distribution system of essential commodities would be made more effective. The hoarders and business people would not take under the advantage of things because of strict rules. Law and order would be maneuvered for smugglers, hoarders, and black marketeers, and will be mended at all costs. Corruption would be stamped out altogether.
format write urself ok.
hey all of my dear friends as i am ur new pm for 1 week . i want u all to follow all rules in the constitution. and prove that i an deserving pm
hope it helo u