You are the secretary of the recreation club of your school. The annual day
celebration of the school is to be held next month. Write a notice for the
school display board in this reference.
please guys reply me fast
★ Required Notice Writing :
⠀⠀⠀Sunrise Public School, Delhi
Date : 25th March, 2021
Subject :- Annual day celebration.
This is to inform all the students that our school has organized an annual day celebration, which is going to be held next month. Various events will be conducted, like dance competition, skit, singing competition etc. Interested students who want to participate in any of the competitions, may give their names to Mrs. Priyanka Jaiswal.
For more information, feel free to contact the undersigned.
(Secretary of recreation club)
- Note : Notice should be drawn in a BOX.
★ Format for notice writing :
- Name of school/organization
- Notice
- Date
- Subject
- Content
- Date, time, venue
- Name
- Designation
Note : Notice should be put in a Box.
⭕ Nàme of schøol / organizatiøn
⭕ Sûbject
⭕ Coñtent [day , date, venue]
⭕ Sìgn
⭕ Desigñation
Impørtant pøint tó bé keép iñ mìnd :-
The spãce abøve mèans tö lèave a liñe .
Réquired Nøtice :-
⠀⠀⠀ XYZ Pūblic Schøol
Dàte : 24th March , 2021
Sub : "Annual celebration"
This is to inførm all the stúdents that our schoól is góing to órganise a anñual celèbration nèxt mónth. In this anñual célebration médal dißtribution, dànce celèbration, ßinging, ànd bèst teaçher óf the schoól will be selécted. Pàrents are rèquested tó cóme añd jóin this fûnction with theìr chìldren. interested students who want to take part in dance and singing can give their names to the respective class teachers. any students having any dóubt can cøntact to undersigned persøn.
impørtant pøint to keep in mind:-
- nøtice should be in box
- nøtice should be written in 50 to 60 word.