English, asked by mtsaravanan2005, 3 months ago

You are Vaijanthi/Vijay from Prakasham Nagar, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Write a

letter to Book Haven Store, requesting home delivery of the books, stationery and art

materials you had ordered telephonically. Share the reason for being unable to pick up the

goods in person. Confirm your address details and a convenient time slot.​


Answered by anjanakurup728


Solution: Letter writing


Prakasham Nagar,


Andhra Pradesh,

Date: 8 Dec, 2020


The Head,

Book Haven Store,

Andhra Pradesh

Subject: Requesting Home delivery of books, stationary and art materials

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I, Vaijanthi of above mentioned address is writing this letter to request you to deliver the ordered things which I ordered three days before through telephone. The ordered things include books, stationary items and art materials.

But I will be unable to pick up the promised ordered items because I got hurt in my legs yesterday in an accident. The list of ordered things have been registered in your store and it was already decided to pay on delivery.

So, sir I request you to deliver the ordered things to my home in above mentioned address and between morning 10:00 am to evening 5:00 pm. Also please make sure that the quality of items booked are as desired.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,


Knowledge booster:

  • Avoid cancellations in letter to score good in letter writing
  • Highlight important lines by underlining to make seem letter perfect
  • Read more for good ideas
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