English, asked by kumarshankar01234, 9 months ago

You are vignesh/niharika. There has been an increase in the number of suicide cases
among students because of increased workload. Write an article in not more 150 words


Answered by Anonymous


The present days are totally different from the last few decades where everyone had something called as a proper social interaction and connect . For a human , a social interaction is as important as any other social needs of his . This not understood by most of the people , is being forgotten . This is the reason for the many suicide cases among the student community . Many children , who aren't able to control their study stress and pressure, are giving up and deciding to end their lives . For them , there is no apparent reason to live , so said by many of the students themselves . The increase in suicide rates is becoming an issue of concern for many parents in our country . But what they forgot to do is ; to forge a connection with their child . They showered them with everything they wanted , but in that process , forgot to tell them how valuable their life is . Due to increased rates of depression and anxiety , many people are deciding to commit suicide . The same thing is happening in present among our student community . The last few weeks have been especially worse , where 12 children committed suicide . Their increased workload during the pandemic time , wasn't helping them either. These show us that mental illness like depression and anxiety is as true and existent as any other physical illness. This , not understood by many people is pushed behind the curtains ; leading to children deciding to commit suicide. The increased workload, frequent exposure to the blue ray programmed screen and sleep deprivation, is one of the many reasons for the children committing suicide ; as correctly pointed out by sociologist , Dr. Madhulika Sahoo . Every student should have the liberty to get access to proper mental care and frequent visits to a psychiatrist. This is not a social disgrace or a taboo, which is what is being told about it by many ill informed people. But that's not the case . Just like a person visits a orthopedician when he or she has some problem in their joints; a person has to got to a psychic or psychologist when they feel the need to end their lives. The suicides have started from the last month and is showing no sign of decrease. Schools are organizing mental awareness camps, to make parents understand their ward's mental health .

Answered by AneesKakar


            An increase in workload leads to an increased suicide rate.

                                                                                                    - by Niharika

Students receive knowledge through educational institutions, which also place a strong emphasis on their physical health and social development.

A child's mental health depends on his self-esteem, which is attached to his performance in academics. These days, the workload on the students has multiplied. they are expected to perform well in academics, sports, extracurricular, etc. students are pushed into this competition at a very young age and are often burdened with parental pressure to perform well on tests.  on failing, one might feel that one is not good enough, which leads to the feeling of worthlessness, and might lead to suicide.

it is very important to teach children to attach their self-worth to more than one thing. schools must have counselors and parents not pressurize children with workload since it develops distress among them.


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