English, asked by GalacBlade, 7 months ago

You attended a seminar by Swami Ram Dev.The seminar was on the benefits of Yoga for heart ailments and

the need to practice it for good health. Write a report about it for your newspaper.​


Answered by kalivyasapalepu99

Preparation and Planning

First, you should take some time to prepare and plan for your report. Before you start writing, identify the audience. Your report should be written and tailored to the readers' needs and expectations. When planning, ask yourself several questions to better understand the goal of the report.

Formatting the Report Elements

To keep your report organized and easy to understand, there is a certain format to follow. This report writing format will make it easier for the reader to find what he is looking for. Remember to write all the sections in plain English, except the body, which can be as technical as you need it to be.

The main sections of a standard report are as follows.


If the report is short, the front cover can include any information that you feel is necessary, such as the author(s) and the date prepared. In a longer report, you may want to include a table of contents and a definition of terms.


The summary consists of the major points, conclusions, and recommendations. It needs to be short, as it is a general overview of the report. Some people will read the summary and only skim the report, so make sure you include all of the relevant information. It would be best to write this when the report is finished so you will include everything, even points that might be added at the last minute.


The first page of the report needs to have an introduction. Here you will explain the problem and inform the reader why the report is being made. You need to give a definition of terms if you did not include these in the title section, and explain how the details of the report are arranged.


This is the main section of the report. The previous sections needed to be written in plain English, but this section can include technical terms or jargon from your industry. There should be several sections, each clearly labeled, making it easy for readers to find the information they seek. Information in a report is usually arranged in order of importance with the most important information coming first. Alternatively, you might choose to order your points by complexity or time.


If you wish, this optional section can be included at the end of the main body to go over your findings and their significance.


This is where everything comes together. Keep this section free of jargon as many people will just read the summary and conclusion.


This is where you discuss any actions that need to be taken. In plain English, explain your recommendations, putting them in order of priority.


This includes information that the experts in the field will read. It has all the technical details that support your conclusions.

Report Presentation

You will want to present your report in a simple and concise style that is easy to read and navigate. Readers want to be able to look through a report and get to the information they need as quickly as possible. That way the report has a greater impact on the reader.

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