Geography, asked by nyenyenye70, 4 months ago

You bought a bottle of medicine from an online seller. When the

order arrived, the bottle is not sealed and has no BFAD-approved seal.

1. Which agency should be concerned about your situation?

2. What should you do in this situation?


Answered by Anonymous


ʄɖǟ ɖօɛֆ ռօȶ ɖɛʋɛʟօք օʀ ȶɛֆȶ քʀօɖʊƈȶֆ ɮɛʄօʀɛ ǟքքʀօʋɨռɢ ȶɦɛʍ. ... ɨʄ ʄɖǟ ɢʀǟռȶֆ ǟռ ǟքքʀօʋǟʟ, ɨȶʍɛǟռֆ ȶɦɛ ǟɢɛռƈʏ ɦǟֆ ɖɛȶɛʀʍɨռɛɖ ȶɦǟȶ ȶɦɛ ɮɛռɛʄɨȶֆ օʄ ȶɦɛ քʀօɖʊƈȶ օʊȶաɛɨɢɦ ȶɦɛ ӄռօառ ʀɨֆӄֆ ʄօʀ ȶɦɛ ɨռȶɛռɖɛɖ ʊֆɛ. ֆɛɛ ȶɦɛ ɖɨʀɛƈȶօʀʏ օʄǟքքʀօʋɛɖ ǟռɖ ʊռǟքքʀօʋɛɖ ʄɨռɨֆɦɛɖ ɖʀʊɢֆ օռ ȶɦɛ ʍǟʀӄɛȶ.

Answered by AnusritaS98


1. We should not accept any order if the seal is broken at the first place. If we receive such damage packaging, we are supposed to complaint the company we ordered from. On top of that, if it is non-approved by FDA, consumer forum is supposed to be concerned about these kinda situation.

2. We should immediately complaint to FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinator for our state or region. It is not legal to sell non-approved medicines anymore.

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