English, asked by aksingh78278, 7 months ago

You can see two pictures - Picture 1 is about Reading Books while Picture 2 is about doing Regular Exercise. During the long period of staying at home you must have done some or the other physical activity .You also might have read for pleasure or for need. Based on your activities under these two domains you have to fill a Report Card .This is a self assessment exercise for your own record so please be honest. Write ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ My Report Card READING. EXERCISE 1. Reading newspaper 1.Walking 2. Reading textbooks. 2. Morning Walk 3. Reading story books. 3. Yoga 4. Reading Novels. 4. Aerobics 5. Reading messages like SMS, WhatsApp etc. 5.Zumba 6. Reading from Print Media, TV 6. Dancing Pamphlets, Hoardings, Posters etc. 7. Jogging Write” Yes or No” against each activity. Count the number of positive responses and write them down in points. Now Compile. Now write about the importance of both in about 100 words each. Topic one - Importance of Reading .Topic two - Importance of Exercise including what all you do on a regular basis. You may like to include some quotations such as ‘Health is Wealth’. ‘If wealth is lost nothing is lost but if health is lost everything is lost’.’ Books are to the mind what exercise is to the body ‘.’Books are our best friend


Answered by SuNnY090953L


Explanation: ok

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