` You come to me like heaven's caring arms. I remember the war days when life was challenge and toil- 'The literary device used in the given extract is ________ .
(a) simile
(b) metaphor
(c) alliteration
(d) oxymoron
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You come to me like heaven's caring arms.
I remember the war days when life was challenge and toll--
Miles to walk, hours before sunrise.
(a) Who are 'you' and 'me' in the above lines?
(b) Identify the figure of speech used in the first line and explain it.
(c) Mention two things that made the poet's life difficult.
(d) Why did the poet have to walk so much early in the morning
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a) simile
simile literary devices used here as like word is used in the first line because mother's hands are compared with the heavens caring arms that is the Gods hand
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