English, asked by RajanyaGhosh, 4 months ago

You don't know how to feed a tiger because you were never told. They don't teach you that in school.
Instead, you are told when you visit a zoo that you should keep your distance from the tiger's cage. You should
not throw food into the tiger's cage. "You could lose your hand along with what you hold in it!" the zookeeper
says. So does your mother. Both are right. All that- and more-could happen to you if you put your hand into
the tiger's cage.
But in the wild- now that's a different story. Everyone, especially, the tigers, knows what tigers eat. They are
carnivores. They eat meat. They prey on animals in the jungle or in the grasslands and enjoy a good meal of
deer, nilgai, wild boar, gaur- any of the larger animals available around them. If they are hungry and there is
nothing big in sight, they make do with smaller animals like hares, wild dogs and monkeys- but then the get
hungry again soon, so mini meals are acceptable only when there is no other way out.
Tigers are predators. But they do not think only of food. They enjoy a dip in the pool as much as the next guy.
It is when hunger pangs strike that they get the incentive to hunt. And then the chase builds their appetite
further... and they are ravenous when they sink their teeth into their prey. You wouldn't like to be in the way at
that time.
Remember that they like to get their own food. They may sometimes chase other predators away from a fresh
kill but they are not scavengers. They will not help themselves to an old kill they find lying around- do you
know of any other kings who do that kind of things? And the tiger is the king of the Indian jungle - make no
mistake about that!
Summary of this passage with suitable title​


Answered by kafeela72



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