English, asked by namanchaturvedp6ujih, 1 year ago

You had to go for family function with your parents and hence , couldn't complete your homework .your English teacher thought that you were making lame excuse to avoid getting punished,so the turned you out of the class . You write the diary entry in not more than 100-120 words

Outline: Attended family function....... couldn't do homework........told my teacher the truth....... didn't believe..... punished me..........felt terrible


Answered by sruthiusha2203


homework excuses

Top 10 homework excuses from students ranked

We’ve all gone through the schooling stage. We were all once kids and teenagers, and we all thought at some point that there has to be more to life than getting stuck with a big homework assignment over the weekend.

The average person isn’t a fan of homework but we all had to do it growing up. It didn’t come without hesitation and a few creative excuses, however. Counting down from 10 all the way to one, these are the top homework excuses teachers and parents from around the United States hear each and every day.

10. I didn’t want to do it

This will teach you a lot about your student and/or child. If they don’t hesitate to say they just didn’t want to do the assignment then you know they’re being serious. And brutally honest. You might get away with it from the teacher but prepare for at least a week without your cell phone if your parents hear you say this.

9. Family pet ate it

Obviously this is a horrible and overused excuse but sometimes it’s legit. Whether it was a dog, cat, bunny or guinea pig, the family pet doesn’t know nor does it care what you’re doing or how important it may be. Just make sure you keep an eye on what you’re working on at all times or put it in your notebook or binder. The best part about this excuse is it could get you off the hook with your parents. Your teacher, however, is another story.

8. Left it at school over the weekend

Tough. Leaving your homework at school over the weekend isn’t a good excuse. Organization can be tough to learn especially throughout the teen stages but learning young can result in better results in the later stages of life.

7. I don’t know where it is

Again. Tough luck. It’s the students responsibility to know where their homework is and that it’s done by the due date. Keeping everything organized in binders or folders is an easy task to complete.

6. I was gone when it was assigned

99.9% of the time teachers get homework assignments to those that are gone. Either they make arrangements prior or they put their trust in another student (a friend) to deliver the assignment to them. Now with technology students will have those assignments sent directly to them regardless of the reason they’re not in school.

5. I’m sick

The oldest excuse in the book. Or second oldest. If nobody falls for the “my dog ate it” excuse then this is always next on the list. And very rarely will it work especially with the teachers.

4. Blame the siblings

Because why not?

3. Don’t understand the assignment

Everyone learns differently. Some are quick learners and just need to hear directions once. Some not so quick, ultimately requiring another lesson or two to get a good grasp on the subject. But sometimes you need to take a shot in the dark and learn from the mistakes.

2. Night filled with extra-curriculars

From sports practice to an after-school job to attending school-related events, nights are often packed tight. Sometimes from the minute school gets out until it’s time to crawl into bed and start all over again. Nobody wants to do homework at 10pm but sometimes that’s the only option. Otherwise the basketball game that went into overtime can be your excuse.

1. The WiFi wasn’t working

With the evolution of technology and the convenience of the Internet eventually comes the issues. Schools have the option to provide their students with their own laptops or tablets for school use and thus require assignments on the devices out of school. Technology problems, such as a device or WiFi issue, is a real excuse for missing a due date.

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