You happend to meet DR Kotnis.Now write possible conversation between You and Dr.Kotnis
Me: Hello doctor and Mrs. Kotnis.
Mrs. Kotnis: Hello dear, how are you?
Dr. Kotnis: Hello there.
Me: I'm very well thank you. I'm just a little worried about the virus lately, I've been running a temperature lately.
Mrs. Kotnis: Oh dear!
Dr. Kotnis: Do you also have a cold or feel tired and dull?
Me: No I don't and I'm feeling just fine. I just wanted to be sure, that's why I payed a visit.
Dr. Kotnis: Sure, it's always good to be cautious. The symptoms of coronavirus are a runny nose, soar throat, cough and fever. This may lead to pneumonia if left untreated. If you don't experience these, you don't have to worry about it.
Me: Ok doctor.
Mrs. Kotnis: Make sure you stay away from people who you suspect may be experiencing these symptoms and never touch your eyes, nose or mouth with unclean hands.
Me: Ok. Thank you very much.
Hope this helps you.