you have invited the famous architect Hafeez contractor to your school on the occasion of children's day program no prepare an invitation card inviting Hafeez contractor as the chief guest
If we were to look at the dominant urban development projects of the past and compare them with the present, we would perhaps be able to get an idea of what the changes in structures are. Mumbai saw series of dominant patterns in urban development since the beginning of the century: In the decades before the 20s there have been investments in large-scale industries, institutions and mass transport systems. The decades between the wars saw the development of mass housing and the apartment type to house the blue and white collared labour in the city. After independence, there have been efforts to increase housing and extend infrastructure away from the core city. Though slums existed since the beginning of the century, their proliferation was put into foreground only in the 80s when the city government decided to bulldoze them. The 90s however showed a complete change. Suddenly, if we were to realise, the city development agencies do not mention terms like industrial development, institution building, and mass housing anymore; but rather talk about informal sector rehabilitation, international schools, shopping malls, townships and even mobile phones. While the dominance of the government continues symbolically in the infrastructure sectors with mega projects that never seem to get completed; the growth in private investment and private control has become clear in the 1990s.