English, asked by 7075675905ck, 2 months ago

you have just attended a performance of "The Merchant of Venice.' Write a letter to your friend telling him/her how you enjoyed the performance, mentioning acting and stage setting particularly.

please tell me fast ​


Answered by ragimishra


Here is a more detailed look at what happens in each scene of The Merchant of Venice, to help you look at the structure of the play and interrogate it.

As you look at each act we’ve included some things to notice. These are important character developments, or key questions that an acting company might ask when they first go through the play together at the start of rehearsal. If you work through these as you go, they will help you to make sense of the play. It’s a good idea to have a copy of the text nearby!


In Belmont, the Prince of Morocco tries to woo Portia and asks her not to disregard him on account of his dark ‘complexion’. Portia reminds the Prince that she cannot choose her own husband, but instead she will be won by whoever succeeds in the task left by her father. The Prince asks her to lead him to the caskets immediately. Portia tells him that they will go after dinner and that before he chooses he must swear to never marry anyone at all if he chooses the wrong casket.


‘The Clown’, Lancelet Gobbo, delivers a speech in which he admits that he is considering running away from his master, Shylock. He says Shylock is a ‘fiend’ and a ‘kind of devil’. He comes to the conclusion that he ‘will run’, but is stopped by the arrival of Old Gobbo, his blind father. Old Gobbo asks Lancelet for directions towards Shylock’s house. Lancelet plays a trick on his father by pretending to be someone else, giving Gobbo the wrong directions and pretending that Lancelet is dead. When he finally reveals to his father who he is, Gobbo shares his decision to leave Shylock.

Bassanio then enters and Lancelet asks if he can serve him instead. Bassanio has already agreed to this previously, but he confirms it and also agrees to let his friend Gratiano come to Belmont on the condition that he tames his usually wild and rude behaviour.


Shylock’s daughter Jessica says goodbye to Lancelet, who she is very sorry to see leave. She asks him to deliver a letter to Lorenzo, who she knows is having supper at Bassanio’s later and gives him some money. Lancelet bids her a tearful farewell. Jessica then admits that she is ‘ashamed’ to be her father’s daughter and that she hopes her beloved Lorenzo will stick to his promise of marrying her so she can become ‘a Christian' and his ‘loving wife’.


Lorenzo and his friends (Salerio, Solanio and Gratiano) discuss their plan to disguise themselves as masquers and help Jessica to escape from Shylock’s house. Lancelet delivers Jessica’s letter to Lorenzo, who gives Lancelet money and asks him to tell Jessica that he ‘will not fail her’. Lorenzo shares the contents of Jessica’s letter with Gratiano, which says she’ll be dressed as a page and has money and jewels that she’ll bring with her.


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