you have just passed out from a school on this occasion you have been invited to recieve a prize for some past activity send an email to the principal regretting your inability to atttend the function
An Email should be written in the following format:Email Writing Class 7 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises
September 8, 2020 by Prasanna Leave a Comment
Email Writing Class 7
Email is short for electronic mail. In today’s digital age, it is the most preferred means of personal and business communication because it is almost instant and in most cases absolutely free.
This grammar section explains English Grammar in a clear and simple way. There are example sentences to show how the language is used.
Email Writing Class 7 Format, Examples, Topics, Exercises
An Email should be written in the following format:
Email Writing Style
Just like letters, emails can be formal or informal. Companies, organizations, government departments, and offices use formal emails, which are written like formal letters for official communication. Informal emails are personal emails between friends, relatives, and, sometimes, acquaintances and are written in a friendly and conversational style.
Email Writing Language
You should avoid using any contractions, abbreviations, and slang expressions informal, business or official emails. In personal emails, however, feel free to use contracted words. Conventions like greetings, salutations, leave-taking and closing remain more or less the same as in letter writing except that most email messages significantly reduce them or sometimes even leave them out, especially in messages that run into the chain.