English, asked by gurjaniabhishek1363, 1 year ago

You have just spent the weekend with your friend in the country write a letter thanking him/her in your copy


Answered by panditshourya952445


In the age of social media, where every message has been simplified to its lowest form or brevity, we still have some rules to follow while emailing our teacher. Writing an email to the teacher requires a bit of thought and a sense of formality. Whether you are a school going student or a college student, you will always find the necessity to write an email to your teacher for doubt clarifications, leave applications, professional academic requests etc. The main purpose of the email should be conveyed in the strictest sense, and that can be achieved when you get to the point directly instead of taking turns. Also, remember that the tone of your email should reflect your intention behind emailing.

Writing an email to the teacher can be a bit stressful especially when you don’t even know the basics. And few of us get confused emailing with writing a letter. This article will provide you with the best tips on how to write an email to the teacher so that your email will not only solve the purpose but will impress your tutor.

greet the teacher formally. “Thank you, Yours, Sincerely, Best Regards” are usual salutations used at the end of the email. Followed by the salutation write your name and it would be beneficial if you give more information of yours towards the end like describing your role (ex: student body president).

How to write an email to a teacher: Effective ways to communicate

Follow these effective tips to receive a guaranteed response:

Make sure email communication is preferred by your teacher.

Start your email with a positive comment by appreciating the lecture or the work of the teacher.

Long emails will mostly be ignored or will not be read closely.

Do not expect a reply during the weekends or holidays from your tutor.

Research before asking a question. Make sure you couldn’t find the answer to the question you were looking for before dropping an email.

Express your gratitude in the email.

Do not ‘cc’ the email to anyone but the school professionals.

Stick with the facts while you are discussing a learning issue.

Thank the teacher for taking his/her time to read the email.

How to write an email to a teacher: Do’s and Dont’s

Do’s :

a. Proofread the email at least twice before sending it to your teacher.

b. Check for punctuation, spelling and grammar mistakes and rectify them.

c. Make sure your sentence structure is formal in nature.

d. Make sure the address is entered correctly,

e. Teachers can busy, so be patient for the response.

f. Research on the topic thoroughly before asking your tutor. Which means try to figure it out on your own before emailing.

g. Create a sense of urgency in the subject of the text when you need a response to your homework.

h. Send a follow-up email if the issue has been solved on your own or if it has to be solved at the earliest.

i. Remember to be polite with the message.

j. Only email to tutor with school-related problems.

k. Acknowledge the email after receiving and if the case is not resolved by the email then ask for an appointment in person.


a. Usage of contractions must be avoided. For example, don’t, I’m, haven’t etc.

b. Do not write the email in capital letters even though it is important.

c. Do not send the email to the personal account of the instructor unless advised.

d. Do not use chat acronyms or emojis while emailing your teacher.

e. Do not use multiple exclamation marks in the email.

f. Do not send the email with attachments unless it is necessary.

g. Avoid generic titles while attaching the files such as “resume.doc”, “letter.pdf”, “draft.odt”.

h. Do not use your email to whine or complain about some issue in the classroom. In case of concern, make sure to word it appropriately.

i. Refrain from using personal texts in the email.

How to write an email to a teacher: Reasons for emailing

Take a look at the major reasons behind emailing a teacher:

a. To inform about future absence.

b. To inform about your serious illnesses or other emergencies.

c. To request an appointment to see your instructor in the office hours

d. To ask a specific question about the course material.

e. To thank your instructor for an appointment he/she scheduled with you.

f. To apologize for rude behavior in class.

In the age of information, email is dominating the online mode of communication. So it has become one of the critical skills to be learned notably in workplaces. It is always beneficial to write a polished and professional email to the instructor when you want a reply as soon as possible.

With the advent of technology in online communication, email writing has become as easy as a snapping a finger. Ready-made emails with built-in themes and templates are being available based on various specifications. But having the knowledge on how to write a

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