English, asked by AaishaFathzz5137, 9 months ago

You have lost share certificate for hundred metre race you have won on sports day and you have lost it on the next day write a notice in about 50 words giving necessary details


Answered by Anonymous

Here, as per the provided question we have to write the the notice writing that is to be displayed on the notice box with the provided information.

So, now let us write here the notice writing [ we will write the notice writing with the provided information but on the basis of format of notice writing, which is provided in attachement. ]

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤABC Public School

ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤGuragaon, Delhi, India

3rd November, 2020

This is the inform to all the students of our school that one of the student of our school had lost the certificate for hundred metre race on the sports day which was held on 31st October, 2020. So it was of Golden and white colour the border's colour was gold and rest of the colour was White with silver shading. Therefore, the students who find this type of certificate lying anywhere please inform to our head girl so that she can give the lost certificate to that child.

Xyz ( Replace your name )

Head Girl

Answered by SoulfulStrings

To write :- Notice writing

\sf\purple{Required \ notice \ writing:-}



3 November, 2020


This is to notify all the students that I have lost my certificate which was given to me on the occasion of sports day. Just day before I lost my certificate in the playground itself. So, whoever has got my certificate, kindly hand me in the school office. My certificate was of 100 metre race with 1st position.

Sneha [signature]

Sneha [name]

Head Girl


  • ⚠️Notice should be drawn in a BOX!!⚠️
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