You have noticed that your classmate has been missing the house meeting and has been spending time in library instead. With your partner discuss that why he is doing this and suggest some methods to attend it? ? ?
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Some Students are book lover and they try to spend their most of the time in library but it does not mean he/she should neglect other works like absence in household meetings and various other activities.So we can make him understand that it is not good to spend their maximum time in library rather you should attend the meetings in your house and must participate in all other activities.He/she should make a time table giving proper time to his library and other activities.
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Some students are like book worm they only spend their time with books. it is good to give all the time in study but in doesn't mean that they will only study and will not do any work except study. we can make them understand that the study is important but other works like household meetings and many activities are also important. We can ask him/her to make timetable.
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