You have observed that the skilled people can find employment in the market easily. So you realise the importance of vocational education in the school's.write an article about it.
In the changing world scenario with regard to industry and the job market, there is now an overpowering need for skilled workers. However, the definition of 'skill' in India, and the world in general, has also changed over recent years.
India is relatively young as a nation with around 28 million youth population being added every year. More than 50 per cent of its population is below the age of 25 and more than 65 per cent are aged below 35. In 2020, the average age of an Indian will be expectedly 29 years, while it will be 37 for China and 48 for Japan.
As President Pranab Mukherjee said in a recently organised CII event in Kolkata, "We often boast about India's demographic dividend. But the question that arises is what we do with this if we cannot skill them, if we cannot educate them and cannot enhance their employability."
Importance Of Vocational Education At Schools
Pallam Raju has rightly said, ‘The Indian youth needs to be empowered, and it can be done through good education and vocational training. Vocational education is the key to taking India to her goals of self-reliance in technological advancement and a developed economy. It has been found that Indian educational system is predominantly theory based; this system is directly and indirectly responsible in the slow growth of Indian economy. The number of skilled workers and professionals is very less in India as compared to the number of skilled professionals in advanced countries like America, France, UK, Germany, Japan, South Korea, etc.
If India is to accelerate her pace of development, she must focus more on vocational education at schools. Vocational subjects must be made compulsory in the school curriculum across the nation. The CBSE, the premier Indian educational organization, has introduced approximately 40 vocational courses at schools. In future India will have more number of skilled workers and professionals. Their quality work force will definitely improve the work quality throughout the nation.