you have passed your grade 8th final exam. write a diary entry expressing your feeling..???
Hi buddy here is your answer
7th July 2017
Today I feel very happy that I have now completed my junior level i.e. Class 8, but some what sad as I got unstafied mark in mathematics, but my parents did not scold or said anything about that so in that way iam happy, and I got full marks in my favourite subject social, science and English that made me to still withstand in list of topper. Now my exams completed and even i received my marks, but the next headache for me is class 9, many of my senior said that class 9 is totally different from class 8, everything should read fully from books, no classworks no extra questions nothing, but i didn't care much about it, the only thing which made me is that I miss my friends in vacation and I don't know whethe they would be in my class next year. But i believe in my class teacher because she never separates any friends, so I will get my friends back..
Today I feel very happy that I havenowcompletedmyjuniorleveli.e.Class8,butsomewhatsadasIgotunstafiedmarkinmathematics,butmyparentsdidnotscoldorsaidanythingaboutthatsointhatwayiamhappy,andIgotfullmarksinmyfavouritesubjectsocial,scienceandEnglishthatmademetostillwithstandinlistoftopper.Nowmyexamscompletedandevenireceivedmymarks,butthenextheadacheformeisclass9,manyofmyseniorsaidthatclass9istotallydifferentfromclass8,everythingshouldreadfullyfrombooks,noclassworksnoextraquestionsnothing,butididn'tcaremuchaboutit,theonlything whichmademeisthatImissmyfriendsinvacationandIdon'tknowwhethetheywouldbeinmyclassnextyear.Butibelieveinmyclassteacherbecausesheneverseparatesanyfriends,soIwillgetmyfriendsback..