You have purchased some textbooks from a book store as given below. Perform the
following tasks in MS Excel from the given table and write all the steps.1. Find the average price of the books.
2. Determine the highest price of the book purchased by you.
3. Calculate the total amount paid to the book store.
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Find the average price of the books.
Step 1: Select a new cell
Step 2: Write the formula =AVERAGE(C3:C9)
If the bookseller offers 10% discount, then calculate the amount to be paid to the shopkeeper.
Step 1: Select cell D3.
Step 2: Write the formula =C3-(C3*0.1) and press enter key.
Step 3: Select cell D3 again and drag the cell handle from D3 till D9.
Step 4: Select cell D10.
Step 5: Write the formula =SUM(D3:D9) and press enter key.
Step 6: Cell D10 shows the amount payable to the shopkeeper.
Determine the highest price of the book purchased by you.
Step 1: Select a new cell
Step 2: Write the formula =MAX(C3:C9)
Calculate the total amount paid to the book store.
Step 1: Select cell C10.
Step 2: Write the formula =SUM(C3:C9) and press enter key.
Step 3: Cell C10 shows the total amount paid to the book store.