English, asked by jahanavi5793, 3 months ago

you have read how more homework is dangerous to
the children. Now write a paragraph on giving more
homework and its affect on the social life of the children

use the hints given below

1) How will more amount of homework affect their life?
2) How they spend time with their family Memberes
3) How do they maintain relationship with friends & relative


Answered by samiksha666

As...school develops, students get to know moreabout things and for that teacher get to give them homework . As for kids , its not easy to be with their friends at moment

a new rule is made to reduce their homework, and to not to make them tired they just give a holiday to home works .

the more amount of study they do the same pain they gone through like studying late,

not getting enough sleep to attend classes with attention so basically it is why children are in class but only physically not mentally

Answered by khaliq22



A holistic approach to education – that addresses students’ learning, social and emotional needs – is crucial, especially in times of crisis. School closures related to the current COVID-19 pandemic mean that students from diverse backgrounds who are more at risk of increased vulnerability are less likely to receive the support and extra services they need, and the gap between students that experience additional barriers and that do not might widen. Closures can also have considerable effects on students’ sense of belonging to schools and their feelings of self-worth – these are key for inclusion in education.

This Policy Brief describes OECD Member Countries’ initiatives to address the different needs of vulnerable students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond school closures, it also examines the issue of school re-openings by presenting countries’ current measures and providing policy pointers aimed to ensure that the pandemic does not further hinder the inclusion of vulnerable students in education systems.

The current coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is having a profound impact, not only on people’s health, but also on how they learn, work and live. Among the most important challenges created by COVID-19 is how to adapt a system of education built around physical schools. At its peak, more than 188 countries, encompassing around 91% of enrolled learners worldwide, closed their schools to try to contain the spread of the virus.1 School closures have a very real impact on all students, but especially on the most vulnerable ones who are more likely to face additional barriers.2 Children and youth from low-income and single-parent families; immigrant, refugee,3 ethnic minority 4 and Indigenous 5 backgrounds; with diverse gender 6 identities and sexual orientations;7 and those with special education needs 8 suffer by being deprived of physical learning opportunities, social and emotional support available in schools and extra services such as school meals.9 They risk falling further behind and becoming isolated with school doors closed. These students are likely to lose the most in terms of educational outcomes 10


Hope it helps you. Please mark as brainliest

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